Apart from the regular classes held in Taeseong Taekwondo SG, seminars will be conducted periodically.

Bi-annual Poomsae Seminar
Held by: Master Ji Ho-Yong
Twice a year, Ji Ho-Yong will come to host seminars in Singapore.
Master Ji has accumulated a significant number of accolades, which includes a team division gold medal for the 2017 Kim Un Young Cup International Open and gold medal in both individual and team divisions for the 2018 Korean Taekwondo Association Poomsae Competition. ​
In 2014 and 2016, Master Ji was the National Team coach for the World Cup Poomsae Competition in Mexico and Asian Taekwondo Chmapionship in Manila respectively. ​
As an avid international host of seminars, the master has conducted Poomsae seminars in Spain, Germany, Sweden, and his home country of Korea.

Poomsae Seminar
Held by: Master Park Hee Won
Master Park Hee Won who graduated from Woosuk University with a major in Taekwondo specialises in Poomse and was a core member of the demonstration team. In Singapore, he is a renown for his trainings to prepare his students for Poomsae competitions and ensuring that they achieve exceptional results in inter-school and national competitions. ​
Taekwondo's identity is Poomsae; practitioners are required to undergo Poomsae grading tests in order to prceed on to the next level. At Red and Black-Tip Belts, aside from being able to execute four patterns, students are required to demonstrate their stances, hands techniques, and aim their kicks all appropriately. Master Park's seminar shall focus on these aspects to better each student's ability to fare well for their grading tests.
Learning points from the seminar:
Better postures
Accuracy in each movement
How to increase chances of promotion
Improved methods of overall Poomsae execution.

Sparring (Kyorugi) Seminar
Most Taekwondo schools necessitate sparring classes once students have achieved their Green Belts. While Taeseong Schools place emphasis on Poomsae, we recognise sparring as an indispensable part of Taekwondo and acknowledge certain students’ hesitation in taking part in it.
Master Ji Joong Ho graduated from Kyung-Hee University with a major in Taekwondo. He specialises in sparring and has attained multiple gold medals both locally and internationally.
Since 2015, Master Ji has been actively involved in coaching sparring competition teams in Singapore and many of his students have done exceptionally well in Inter-school competitions, the Koko Krunch Competition, and the Korean Ambassador Cup Competition.
Upon reaching blue tip, practitioners are expected to execute combination kicks and dodge kicks from the opponents to pass or do well for the grading exams. Under the guidance of Master Ji, students will acquire new skills in sparring to apply during these grading tests.
Learning outcomes:
Combination kicks
Defensive and offensive kicks
Smoothness of kicks